Bien sûr! Ti's lla tihsllub!
These charges have nothing, I mean absolutely nothing to do with what he is doing. They can't get him on espionage, treason, or breeching security. He is the man the is revealing too much informatio
Rather the ,ǝןdǝǝɥs, would prefer to not rock the boat that they are being thrown out of. I thought the United States of America, at least what I was taught, was for, of and by the people not the lying, cheating, stealing corporate serohw.
Assange is the creepy guy at the party that is telling you that your drink has been drugged. Either you ignore him or you thank him and be vigilante when you get another drink.
The hype is the nice looking guy(or chick) telling you that you are suppose to stay asleep and ignore the abuses that your beloved government is doing to you "The creepy guy doesn't know what he is talking about," -says Big Brother Media.
About Wikileaks
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost