Excuse me while I breathe...
This whole drug war sham is a social trap to get you all ID'ed and tagged. Arizona just is the first step. Car bombs on our shore is the next. Car bomb in America? Soon the government will require you to have an ID with a RFID chip attached to verify your citizenry and linked to a centralized command post. Yet the zealots on both sides of the issue are so damn buried in their trenches of right and left, black and white, legal and illegal that they forget we are fighting each other. Like trained fighter dogs. We are being manipulated by the media and frightened by our government to sever our ties to our civil liberties and shackle our selves to their security apparatus. We all are becoming house n*gga's.
Sad, we not only hate each other, we hate ourselves so much that we forget what we gave up. Wasn't our War on Terror suppose to 'fight them over there so we don't have to fight them over here'? Look at us... Blind to the lie and afraid of the truth. We want chaos and mayhem to prove each other wrong which only benefit those who set up the game. Wait until there is rioting in the streets of the US... Then you will beg the perpetrator to protect you.
We all are becoming House N*gga's.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost