"Most of the rioters Sunday were young football fans whose groups have been infiltrated by neo-Nazi and other extremist organizations."
"These riots obviously have nothing to do with the gay parade or any moral values," said Democratic Party spokeswoman Jelana Trivan. "These are hooligan gangs which must be punished severely."
Using a social event to intimidate the electorate is several degrees worse than Bush & Cheney's campaign of God, Gays, and Guns. Wedge issue campaigning gone wild. A Paladino wet dream.
Side note: It said that the rioters were infiltrated by skin heads, meaning the opposition itself may have been hijacked, and not originally anti-gay, but anti-EU. Homosexuality v. economic transitions/conditions. The Pro-EU organizers and public relations machine could be using the LGBT community to 'arouse' the opposition to it's silliest level, as bait.
The anti-EU protester/rioters may have been initially antagonized by the Gay March, yet the Pro-EU party may have set it up that way. You can be gay and anti-EU.
Gay rights is an issue that invokes vitriol and emotional reactions- thus a perfect tool to sway election in either direction. Everyone should take note of that. Ruling parties will bargain with devil to keep their power. Don't under-estimated the power of politics.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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