Let me put my two-cents in:
Free market capitalism byproduct: Private companies influencing and changing public policy publicly. Government replaces as the mouthpiece.
The Left:
Suck at selling, great at arguing.
The Right:
Suck at arguing, great at selling.
This is Brave New World meets Big Brother:
Alpha's looking to control the population.
This is how they should sell the Immigration Bill:
-Point out the this will create jobs in the short term by implement the border security.
-Explain that will create X number of jobs for the long term by protecting American jobs, creating a security forces along the border (putting Veterans to work) and maintaining higher quality and humane work conditions.
-Protect against terrorism, biological infections, drug trafficking, and human trafficking and slavery.
"Let us protect ourselves from regressive and illicit activities that cheapens our Nation and our National Security"
Caveat: This is just a marketing ploy to push through a nationalization (like the rest of the "First World Nations") of your I.D. and License cards. It would simplify business and save the governmental systems (private interests as well) billions of dollars if everyone had all their information centralized, like our money. GE's new commercial should give you a hint (this will get a boost via ACA/Obama-care).
Ok I'll shut up now.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost