Ok I finally watch this video after it was posted a million times on my FB feed. My opinion-
-It's something I wished Madonna and Janet would have done together (two great titans of the music industry mesh their talent together, some dreams go to the way side).
-LOVED the imagery, the tech, and visual play on the dance movements.
-Love the creativity of the outfits, I have always respected Lady GaGa for that.
-Liked the feline power presented
-Noticed the Thelma & Louis theme, don't know how I feel about that.
-Appreciate the collaboration between the two.
But for the that sorry ass, slowed down techno, monotony of music- SUCKED. That is why I will never purchase a single song from Lady Gaga. There needs to be something that breaks through and beyond the bling kling, the ting tang, and bleep beep of two computers copulating.
So my grade for them would be a solid C-. I know they are way more talented and Beyoncé disappoints me with the amount of experience she has. They can do better. Where is the message?
I gave my 9 minutes, I thinks it's fair.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost