I thought the idea of the penal code and system were to have the criminal repay their debt to society and re-amend their social contracts and moral standing. I find the for profit prisons system rob society of their repayment and rightful repentance of the criminal. In turn diminishes the "criminal" to property of the state to be sold as a commodity to the market(is this sounding familiar?). Now we have outsourced and privatized criminal deterrence to the highest bidder because we were afraid of a big government and big brother. The two have nothing to do with the other, but we were told that they were one and the same One has been bought by the other, diminished returns on revenue create desperate decisions. Private interests write our laws, execute our public services, finance our politics (a candidate needs corporate sponsors, like NASCAR, to run the track), and define our lifestyles. That's cool, but there is a consequence to this and a prison company (that sounds so moronic and fascist) naming a university stadium is nothing but a consequence of immediacy, side effect of free-market capitalism.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost