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My thoughts, as they are-
The thing is that the sources of the dyer warnings about the collapse of the economy, on the condition of no government assistance, are the same asses who boldfaced lied to their shareholders, international partners, and the American and worldwide public about the state of their institution. Now we are suppose to believe them now, and just hand them over an award for such a monumental disaster, that they created? Are they insane?
Has anyone been paying any bit of attention? Iceland, the land of Bjork and Sigurros, has removed their PM, over their bankers (banksters). France is angry as hell (and with Wall Street and London, I might add). Lithuania and Latvia are just as discontent. The Swiss are holding their breath to see how big of losses the are about to have between 2-10,000 layoffs predicted, and $15-20 billion losses for the two of the largest Swiss banks. This financial bird-flu is straining our relationships abroad.
Why? Because the Wall Street know-it-alls sold them the same BS and butter that the American public has been freighten into believing with out a single thought being processed. Now our allies are angry with the U.S. for blowing it on coke, booze, and trash cans?!?!?!
As I was writing this, this just broke...
The first swiss shoe has fallen with a "resounding thud".