Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ferguson Damning McCain

Europe and Japan turn cold shoulder to U.S. plea for bank ba

No merci!

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President Bush's address on the state of the economy emphasized a sense of urgency to remedy the crisis, but the process set forth in Washington is bothersome for many Americans. (Sept 25)
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Naomi is right!

China banks told to halt lending to US banks-SCMP

BEIJING, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday. The Hong...

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Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says

Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says

By Frank Ahrens
The director of the Congressional Budget Office said yesterday that the proposed Wall Street bailout could actually worsen the current financial crisis.

Fish Fry Anyone?

I smell fish.

I don't know why. I just smell fish. I don't see any fish. I am nowhere near a harbor, yet I smell fish. What do you think? The "bailout" seems to be a Trojan horse, or pig, full of things wicked writhing it's way toward revelation...

I am reading tons of sources, from Al Jazeera, Financial Times, CNBC, and the Congressional Budget Office warning that it may not be enough, little too late, and that it will definitely spread a large unsurmountable amount of doubt to the credit markets. The confidence in the companies that participate will be heavily scrutinized and will be blacklisted.

Yeah, I smell fish.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The of Audacity Greed


They really think we're stupid don't they?  No details, no specifics, must buy at a higher premium, and reward the idiots at the same time.  Yeah, we asked for this.  We allow Paulson and Bernanke to even attempt to ask for such a request.  To stoop so low to insult the better ranges of our intelligence.  That is some balls.  

They want not just you, but according to Cernig on Crooks&Liars, Europe (Britain, Germany, and wait for it... France) to help set up the same type of toxic slush fund for the "troubled banks".  The European Union, separate from the 3 nations, was asked and tasked by the Bush Administrtation to come with the same idea as well.  They all said no, no, no, no.  As they and we should.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pure BS!

Hey, before I start, I would like apologize for my absence.

Anyhow, while I was gone, I noticed something astounding. The surprise on everyone's face when they heard that 3 giant banking institutions failed from shady practices. I constantly shook my head as the news rolled in. At least over here in, on the other side of the Atlantic, they were predicting this with certainty while President Paulson assured the Americans that the banking system is "sound". That was bs and still is. What I find abhorrent is the lack of outrage on behalf of every tax paying American.

Aren't you pissed? Aren't ready to pull a Kayne West? Bush don't like Americans. It's that simple. He botched 9/11, Katrina, Rita, Iraq, Afghanistan, relationship with every former ally, and now he took your money. I guess we hadn't had enough with Bush Corrupt Inc.'s lying, cheating, and arrogant administration. You know at least in 3rd world countries when bankers or leaders screw their nation out of $700 billion for banks, $1-2 trillion for a war based on a lie, and $1 trillion for the wealthy based as homage to his idol, the people would at least hold a trial, protest, riot, or have some type civil disobedience. Apparently, we are content with being raped of our treasure over a supposed "miscalculation of investments" or "faulty intelligence". Faulty indeed. Apparently people either don't understand the magnitude of the this or just don't care. To me this is bs. Just bs.

As for the campaign, McCain should be boo-ed at every corner. Obama should be riding this issue like a cowboy. I mean pounce. Obama shouldn't worry about losing white women, he should worry about losing black men and women. In the black community, if you are so much as seen incompetently soft, weak, and missing an opportunity, they will stay home. McCain's fingerprints are all over this and his still carrying more than 40% of the polls: bs.

Last, but not least, my final point. From my understanding, many of this guys on Wall Street have at least a bachelors degree. Many of them have been in the profession for a very long time. Also, the CEO's are normally required to have extensive multi-decade managerial and economic experience; especially in the finance industry. From the few business classes I have taken, any chief of any department have extensive experience in planning and management. When someone who has fore knowledge of his position knows how to manage it, right? Many of these chiefs go to ivy league institutions, with the best educators and education offered in the world, right? Tony Blair is teaching at W's alma mater. So what happened? Why did several, not one bank that carries all the other banks, but several banks in different industry focus, fall prey to the same problem? A problem that many of us have seen from the ground up.

These Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, MIT graduates could not see this coming? The former CEO of one of the two surviving banks, now Treasury Secretary couldn't see this coming? You mean to tell me that Ron Paul was right!? He's a physician!(I am not a republican by any means but he does have a point) No I am not making this up. What's really *&#@ed up, is I rarely hear anyone put these things together. I have, since last year, believe that this had to be planned. Why wouldn't it be planned. It's $700 billion of your money. Of your children's money. Of the veterans money. Of the senior citizen's money. You don't want to pay for a "welfare mama", but you are going to pay for the welfare of your bankers. Not planned? They don't have to work for it, you do- and you have to give it to them.

Call me crazy, the bailout is set to benefit the Ivy Leagues screw-ups, not you.


There is no legal recourse for it and... and... wait for it... we also maybe paying for foreign banks as well (Paulson China connection)!