Above 50% under the SUPER-Progressive Eisenhower. Or Nixon, or Reagan both over 50%. 'BUT SERIOUSLY shouldn't the Gilded class, the top 1% which owns 90% of ALL wealth, pay a tad bit more? I mean 'SERIOUSLY', how patriotic is it NOT to pay your part to a nation that is in deficit because they puppeteer an inebriated ignoramus to engage us into two wars, expedited the out-sourcing of jobs, and pushed people to spend and 'own' more than what they could afford. These SOB's got wealthier while the poor became poorer and our sons, daughters, brothers, and sister came home in body bags for fighting for their spoils and a LIE. They are and always will be making a KILLING.
I would rather have the 'Evil Wealthy People' pay than China. Yes, China right now is financing your government. Talk about a communist plot!
These 1%'ers are going to be rich FOREVER, they are just being selfish, spiteful, stingy and greedy. All attributes any godfearing parent would want their children to aspire to have. NOT!
About 2010 Elections
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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