Q? Why would anyone need tech support for a bowl?
A: Isn't that the common process/practice in the purchase/return of any itemt? I was alluding to the 'general item' that you were referring to with the 'hand thrown pottery bowl' and impersonal relationship between purchaser and buyer.
Q? Why did you suddenly flip into personal insult at the end of your remark?
A: You debased my worth and my hand thrown pottery bowl to a plastic bowl from Wal-Mart, that's $1.50. That's not insulting?
Q?Why do you assume that your pottery would be "shiite"?
A: Refer to the previous answer. It would have to be shiite if it's worth $1.50 and a trip to Wal-Mart.
I have pondered. I stand by my comment. I was referring to her educational background, and the fact that she is managing to care for 2 grown college students, and a grand-daughter. She has skills, abilities, gifts, and talents that she can market to make her life better, not to mention money. Yes, I know the transition is tough. I know I am not addressing the 'fundamental economic structural problems' (i.e. jasondeluxe) that are apparent, but I have seen this before. The boom bust cycle is predictable. I think it could be a solution for her. My idea is out there but imo, it's better than where she is.
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