"What kind of Fool is You?"- Dick Gregory.
This isn't a surprise. Like DUH!
How many of you really believe that we weren't going pick on Iran after surrounding it in Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Georgia? Why is there a currency war with Iran's biggest trading partner-China? Have we forgotten one of the largest US Embassies in stones throw of the Iranian border?
The bs behind the 'Ground Zero Mosque' that isn't a mosque nor at ground zero? The banning of sharia law, that DOES NOT EXIST in the US? The whole anti-muslim rhetoric?
You can set your clock to their testicle dropping when the Republicans get to office as of what is on their international agenda. That is why the world is disappointed with the mid-term results. They and the conscious Americans at home and abroad have to deal with these capitol A A//holes- again.
BTW, if you worried about the replenishment of the troops- when there is no job, no home, and no credit to get either- the Armed Forces is always ready and financed to take care of you- 3 hots and cot.
You're primed and ready. So what will be our 'catalyst'?
It's the rich that are going to benefit- they're hoarding cash ($1 trillion plus) and not hiring. They are going to make a killing- pun intended. Wake up folks.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost