WRONG! You don't chose to be gay. You chose to lie or tell the truth about who you are. These suicides were based upon the pressure against their will to fight be truthful and free to be. Uploading someone's sexual behavior on line, without consent is fundamentally wrong, period.
Being called a deleterious name 10+ times a week and in some cases in a day, damages someone self-esteem at some point, and I am only talking about adults, imagine a adolescent child already dealing with their gender, age, personality, and character identity. Either your comment exemplifies your lack of maturity and empathy or you forgot how it was going through adolescence.
Self-esteem is non-existent when living a LIE. A person living a lie is a zombie, not be trusted or cared for.
The misogynistic policies within society makes it so that you are persecuted, scapegoated, bullied and virtually destroyed if you are 'different'. The Army say's you can't have a relationship but you are required to serve honorably? The Prez says you are separate but (not really) equal. Then these children watch adults participate in the destruction of families and marriages through the legislation of Prop 8.
If your government looks down on you and unabashedly supports your classmates, religious institutions, employers, media, and adult behaviors that continue to debase something they accuse or you suspect you are, then where is this self esteem you speak of, suppose to come from?
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