I had to take a walk after reading this...
Now he wants to come out after the all damage he's done? This disgusts me to the core. I can only thing of all the kids that got bullied when Ken 'the Coward' Melhman championed bigotry... Man...
Frankly, he needs to show me an apology first. He needs to prove himself. I know, I know it was difficult enough for him address his demons. F//k his demons. What about the demons he created for the countless GLBTQ community members? What about all the praise of the hatred in the policy he cheerleaded and championed? What about that damned marriage amendment? What about that the 'God, Gays, Guns' campaign that help states pass all the anti-gay rights and downright bigoted legislation?
I don't want your sorry, we already know that you are sorry SOB, Mr. Ken 'the Coward' Mehlman- I want to see your punk a// marching in a Pride Parade. I am not so forgiving to those who try to criminalize peoples' sexuality. I could understand if he was a adamant and true misinformed heterosexual, but when it's one of your kind trying to mortally wound you, it's virtually impossible.
The only thing he gets from me is the middle finger salute. And I hope his ---hole falls out.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost