Does anyone find it odd that we spend most of our lives making them rich when the 'creator' has another purpose for us? Doesn't anyone see that freedom and liberty are marketing tools to keep you working toward nothing? Doesn't anyone question this system? Money is not the root of evil but our behavior in the pursuit of it tends to lean heavily toward shameful.
Call me a hippie, socialist, commie or whatever, but I think being a wild animal would give me more so called freedom and liberty than working my life away for superficial, inter-changeable and infuriatingly obsolescent material things. Having to protect it because the time and effort we put into it, kissing the ass of the wealth makers, would be lost if we didn't (or at least that's what is advertised to us). Meanwhile,we maintain this process, not realizing that we are killing ourselves and others so that someone can have extra paper in their, if not our own, pockets. So we can maintain our (false) 'sense' humanity, not conscious of the lost time for an inanimate object to please us when we have each other. I think what we have done, do and participate in is disgusting. It's suicide.
My point, it's time to solve our problems without money. We don't need it. The need is a lie to keep you in the system. It's a lie. The game was created by them and will be maintained by your belief in it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost