Friday, October 15, 2010

Dylan Ratigan Blasts Bill O'Reilly, 'War On Islam' On 'Morning Joe' (VIDEO)

Preach Dylan, Preach! Tell the truth, the whole truth so help THEM God!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rioters Throw Molotov Cocktails At Gay Pride Parade In Belgrade, Serbia

"Most of the rioters Sunday were young football fans whose groups have been infiltrated by neo-Nazi and other extremist organizations."

"These riots obviously have nothing to do with the gay parade or any moral values," said Democratic Party spokeswoman Jelana Trivan. "These are hooligan gangs which must be punished severely."

Using a social event to intimidate the electorate is several degrees worse than Bush & Cheney's campaign of God, Gays, and Guns. Wedge issue campaigning gone wild. A Paladino wet dream.

Side note: It said that the rioters were infiltrated by skin heads, meaning the opposition itself may have been hijacked, and not originally anti-gay, but anti-EU. Homosexuality v. economic transitions/conditions. The Pro-EU organizers and public relations machine could be using the LGBT community to 'arouse' the opposition to it's silliest level, as bait.

The anti-EU protester/rioters may have been initially antagonized by the Gay March, yet the Pro-EU party may have set it up that way. You can be gay and anti-EU.

Gay rights is an issue that invokes vitriol and emotional reactions- thus a perfect tool to sway election in either direction. Everyone should take note of that. Ruling parties will bargain with devil to keep their power. Don't under-estimated the power of politics.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Carl Paladino: Don't Be 'Brainwashed' Into Thinking Homosexuality Is An 'Equally Valid' Lifestyle (VIDEO)

Convicted rapists have the right to marry. But two gay doctors- no.

Stop validating opinions like this, which has no basis in reality. I am sure 95% of dysfunctional families and relationships are heterosexually based.

I said it once and I said it again, voting on human rights is wrong. What will be illegal for me is illegal for you. Equal application of the law is fundamental of a just democracy. If we continue to support and cater to the idealism of a separate but equal nation, we get what we deserve.

And, I love how the 'oppressed' groups push the LGBT communities of their shoulders like it hasn't a damned thing to do with them. Replace homosexuality with 'inter-racial dating'- reset yourself back 50 years in the US, what do you get? Go back 80 in Germany. Today in Saudi Arabia and Iran? Darfur? Atrocities, yes in 'other' nations, but all Americans have to do is vote for it. Look at the social complacency of the genocide of Native Americans.

Picking on the gays doesn't help black, hispanics, or any other minority groups with in the United States. Not to mention a subtle stab at Women's Rights, hidden misogyny.

Gays have the 'option' of going back in the closet, but they and I CHOSE to be real, stand out, and fight for rights despite the ridicule and heartache for all human beings.

Don't be brainwashed, the Civil Rights Movement isn't over.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost