Sorry but Rosa Parks didn't think sitting in the back of the bus was good enough. Women weren't 'satisfied' with second class citizenship. Nor were the slaves 'content' with their servitude. I am sure that gays, no matter what stripe, will not be content with being separate and NOT equal.
Creating a separate 'sub'-class of marriage for non-breeding couples is just blatantly discriminatory for hetereo's, polygamists, and gays. That is a greater perversion of the constitution than allowing gay marriage. You are supporting a subtle eugenic idealism, that only the 'fit' and 'worthy' are allowed to participate and benefit in society. Others must be classified and subject to second or other class consideration upon application of the law. This is a dangerous slippery slope for everyone. Barring the 'unwanted' from equal application of rights will creates disunity and dysfunction in any nation and society.
To put it simply, what is forbidden for me will forbidden for you. Denying rights to others denies you the same. It just logical. Equal application of the law is what a civil society is about. That's a principal of a successful democracy and a true free society.
Pontificating a 'Brave New World' fear will not convince anyone. What you are talking about is evolution in human ingenuity. Your fear is based upon Western world view which has no basis in reality in the future of non-western societies. Western propaganda and fear mongering from what you say is a lot like Alex Jones.
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