Why is this a surprise? It's like being surprise to find a sex worker buying condoms. This is par for the course. Remember the phrase corporate america? The United States is is ruled by free market capitalists. We were lied into wars, founded and funded by slavery, genocide, and war profiteering. Fooled you all that government is the problem- when the government is "of, by and for the people"- you're the government.You're the problem, they're saying. So now the government is privatizing everything, outsourcing our legislature, presidency, and soon our judicial system. No longer with there be the law of the land, it will be law of Wall Street and corporate interest (if not already).
Think I'm a looney toon conspiracy theorist- there will college kids watching their teams play in a corporate prison sponsored stadium. God bless unabashed capitalism!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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