OK Scalia the document is inaminate. Yet the document does not give the government the right to discriminate against one particular group BASED on religious views. The basic genesis, the reason for the constitution's existance was, is or has been to separate and delagate power for the citizenry to participate and regulate. If one group is pigeonholed not to participate in the process of its govenring for no other reason than perceived perversion of person, than you have begun to violate the very basis of the constitution as a whole.
Scalia you have the right to have a personally prinicipaled view but that right stops at my liberty to see, feed, and care for my loved ones, despite your disregard for it's morality. Yet you stand there on your hind legs allowing Gitmo to stand open, PRIVATE interest decide elections, and ignore the plight of the public in which you judicate. Keep your personal stance off the stand and judicate with the morality that you profess.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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