He's right. I have been watching some the patriot sites since the fall of Bear Stearns (there is an intricate web of connection drawn to this with that- the New World Order, FEMA camps, fall of the dollar, Swine Epidemic, Iran, China) and I know that they will spin this into a threat against the 2nd Amendment.
They have been ginning this up for some type of event that they feel will be the catalyst for their guns being taken away. I have no particular position either way, yet the lightning of the storm has struck,I just hope that it does set fire to anything.
With the current conditions in the US ripe with angst and anguish, it will only get worse with another unhappy, unemployed, disgruntled man (or possibly woman) losing their way of living and blaming the Magic Negro in office.
I as an observer will always be skeptical of the media, their tendency to overplay certain aspects of facts and not really paying much attention to the reaction, cause or the effects (or at least that is what they want you to believe- remember H1N1, SARS, Ebola, etc being hyped to proportions tantamount to a nuclear strike). But the age 88, is an interesting piece... ok I shut up now.
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