Monday, December 21, 2009

For Obama, No Opportunity Too Big to Blow

"There are very few U.S. Presidents who have squandered as many once-in-a-generation opportunities as Barack Obama. More than anyone else, the Copenhagen failure belongs to him."- Naomi Klein.

I so agree, AMEN!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, December 4, 2009

Portia de Rossi To Elisabeth Hasselbeck: Gay Marriage Should Be Called Marriage (VIDEO)

Putting people's rights (either the right to prayer or to marry) up to vote is the cruelest form of democracy. It is the pathway to division of a nation. Rights are(I thought) taken away by violation of law and through the decision of the courts. I should not have to fear my neighbors opinion, religious values, mores, or voting record. My neighbor should not be my judge nor I for thee.

If this continues, I fear the voting on human rights by the public will force all us to hate each other for all of our lifestyles, no matter how holy you think you are, is subject to ridicule. Just think, we could all vote ourselves into prison. Or into anarchy.

Voting to allow or disallow human rights is a violation, in my opinion, of human rights.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, October 19, 2009

Keith Bardwell Explains Refusal To Perform Interracial Marriage (VIDEO)

OoooooH! He did it for the chil'rrun! Well bless his heart!

Really, what do you expect from LOUISIANA! I never expected the southern states to embrace such progression of 'mixun uv da races'. He seems old enough to remember Emmit Till. A black man with a white woman? He would have to have a lobotomy to allow such a disgrace, in his Jim Crow mind.

So this is not a news story, in a sense that it's the everyday goings ons of southern bigots (or in the mind of Yankee bigots who lack the guts to be so forthright, such stories give them glee). Now with 24/7 hour convenience store news cycle and having nothing else to report, a light has been shone up this particular bigot. He is this weeks balloon/attic boy. This poor bigot is probably just earning his stripes for the white angst that exist today. Now with all this attention, he can probably retire with a clean Klansman mind and 'clear' Jim Crow soul.

With that said,l respect his honesty, no matter how primitive it maybe.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, October 16, 2009

"Balloon Boy" ALIVE: 6-Year-Old Falcon Heene Was Never In The Aircraft

This seems like a sad day the media worldwide. All western news outlets carried this story. Welcome to globalization people. Benign stories to keep the masses occupied. Yeah, I know I sound like a conspiracy theorist, but don't we have two wars, bombings, health care debate, and a multitude of more important other things to tend to?

I'm guilty, watching in suspense, wanting to be entertained by the entertainers.

Thanks Heene's for keeping mind off serious things.

Baahahahahaha (I thinks that right).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

When they came for...

Recently in Switzerland there has been a few instances of political racism. This one below is the anti-minaret campaign. This has the support of the Peoples Party (SVP), a rightwing organization in the parliament here. The SVP is famous for 'wanting to keep the Swiss blood pure' and 'closing the borders to immigrants'. Both ads are considered extremely hurtful and flat out racist here.


This one below was circulating right at the time I was arriving in Switzerland. It drew protest in my neighborhood that year when the leader of party came to Lausanne to give a stump speech. My point to all of this is the whenever economic troubles are manifested the xenophobia is increased. Switzerland has been lucky so far, but this is the temperature of the racism and xenophobia that exist already during good economic times. Just imagine if Switzerland landed in the mire like US.

Now the video below shows what happens when the right-wing fringe and the racism combines with economic hardship. This is modern day nationalism. Something I see in the rhetoric of many American politicianss. Lindsey Graham's and McCain comments about Obama not 'being a Muslim because he's a good man'. The Joe Wilsons, the Michelle Bachmanns, and the Glenn Beck's of the the U.S. are creating the environment the video below enjoys. I don't want to infringe upon anyone's right to freedom speech but we should infringe upon the right to complacency of violence.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Forbes 400 Shows Why Our Nation Is Falling Apart

Does anyone find it odd that we spend most of our lives making them rich when the 'creator' has another purpose for us? Doesn't anyone see that freedom and liberty are marketing tools to keep you working toward nothing? Doesn't anyone question this system? Money is not the root of evil but our behavior in the pursuit of it tends to lean heavily toward shameful.

Call me a hippie, socialist, commie or whatever, but I think being a wild animal would give me more so called freedom and liberty than working my life away for superficial, inter-changeable and infuriatingly obsolescent material things. Having to protect it because the time and effort we put into it, kissing the ass of the wealth makers, would be lost if we didn't (or at least that's what is advertised to us). Meanwhile,we maintain this process, not realizing that we are killing ourselves and others so that someone can have extra paper in their, if not our own, pockets. So we can maintain our (false) 'sense' humanity, not conscious of the lost time for an inanimate object to please us when we have each other. I think what we have done, do and participate in is disgusting. It's suicide.

My point, it's time to solve our problems without money. We don't need it. The need is a lie to keep you in the system. It's a lie. The game was created by them and will be maintained by your belief in it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chris Matthews To Town Hall Protestor: Why Did You Bring A "God Damn Gun" To A Presidential Event? (VIDEO)

How can you call yourself non-violent with a lethal weapon strapped to your leg? Sounds like the nightmare is rearing it's ugly head. It's only a matter of time. I hope the Obamas are wearing bullet proof vest.

One question though, under the Bush Administration would someone protesting anything, with a gun, be considered a terrorist with the intent to assassinate?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Careful of this health debate.

As many of you already know, I live in a society that provides healthcare or mandates some for of health coverage. Listening to this debate in the US and the nut job byproduct arguments of right just test my faith in humanity.

During the abysmal years under Bush I read and watch discussions about the S-CHIP program and was appalled by the resistance of people to care for our young ones. Then it struck me that my fair nation is too greedy and profit driven to put things into perspective.

National security was a favorite talking point of Bush's talking heads. I have always wonder if the nations security is really on the agenda and a major issue why are we not making it mandatory that at least 90% of the US populace is prepared for a biological attack. You know, if people had an up to date status of their health they would be better prepared for such an attack. Or during the last 'bird-pig-chicken-cow-fish' flu wouldn't the US be better of if the system and the population had mutual trust and respect to prepare for something that could wipe out the human race. Doesn't the adage "we are only as strong as our weakest link" ( I don't know if that is right, but you get my point) mean anything?

Our strength is knowing and accepting our weaknesses. Our strength is not the lack of weakness but the ability and the access to pull on resources that can and will mitigate any damage from the weaknesses that we all posses. We are the ills' healthy counter part and vice versa. We learn from the care we give to the ill how to care for the ourselves and how they would care for us. Maturity and will are gained in the process thus giving us a stronger will to live and fight on. It's our human duty to respond to each with a sense of responsibility, to care for another. That other may be our strength and savior one day. The health-care debate, if not a smoke screen, is a dumb and baseless debate. It is indicative of how far out of touch we have become with each other, how much contempt we have for one another.

It's absurd and downright selfish to deny the rights that we enjoy from someone else. It is immoral, in my opinion, to not have a sense of responsibility for each other based on some preconditioned attitude toward that person. If we are intelligent or at least conscious of our frailty, the debate of caring for someone is a waste of time. The astro-turf protesters are exercising a derivative form of loud mouth bigotry, denying right or privileges to other groups based on their preconditioned attitude.

With that being said, I am in no way a blind supporter of anything the government does. I am the first to distrust the government, retain rigid skepticism, and question everything. This bill is not perfect but it bring the a real human issue to the table. It at least puts US back in the U.S.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gay-To-Straight Therapy Repudiated By Psychologists

Changing ones sexuality to appease a man-made fallacy is like trying to fit the planet into a cup. We created religion, not homosexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality, nor transgender or transexuality. If I condemn something for another I have condemned them for myself. Put it another way, the less freedom of expression I have, is less freedom of expression for you.

I am not a statistician nor a sociologist, but common sense tells me that it's corrosive to any society to condemn bed room behavior between consenting adults. We can't have control over everything, we barely have control over ourselves.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Orly Taitz Melts Down On MSNBC, Blames MSM "Brownshirts" (VIDEO)

This woman should get great kudos for out doing SNL. Jon Stewart would have a two day special on her. I feel for her. She allowed herself to look like a buffoon. She has such giggle qualities.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Maddow Demolishes Buchanan's Surreal Facts About America's Racial Past (VIDEO)

Thank you Rachel.

I am happy that a 'white folk' has stood up for us 'other folk'. Not that it has not been before, but this time it was on broadcast to thousand if not millions, of people worldwide. Thank you for exemplifying a 'post racial' attitude that we as humans, not just Americans, must have in order for us to make any worthwhile progress and survive any future turmoil as a species. I appreciate this piece because it schools the ignorance that many and myself may have had, right out of existence.


We must continue to remember not just the millions of minorities and women that 'built' the US, the Native Americans must always be included. There would be no US without them.
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Friday, July 17, 2009

Taleon Goffney, Gay Porn Star, Going To Prison For Using Handsaw, Ax To Break Into Stores

Thank you so much, joshuachayne! NO ONE LIKES TO BE ABUSED NOR MISUSED! That is not a joke.
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Giant Blob Of Floating Goo Found Off Alaska's Coast (VIDEO)

I have heard of islands of trash floating in around the surfaces of oceans. Could this be a chemical version of the our destructive and disgusting existence? In either case it's sad and, boy, just disgusting.
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Monday, July 6, 2009

Sammy Shannon Fires Gun At Sons When They Refuse To Do Their Chores (VIDEO)

I like this story because, good grief, if you are living under your parents roof, you are under your parents rules. Plain and simple. Sounds likes pops comes from the ol' school of thought that 'I brought you in this world and I can take you out'.

Take out the papers and the trash! Chores is nothing more than earning a clean environment.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Twiran by the Stimulator.

Show your support @ Ciao slaves!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lindsey Graham Says He Has Secret "Sins" Of His Own

Well hush my mouth, he is just trying to still the 'glorious' shine from the other southern bell, Cantor. Oh, yes shuga, I've been noticing his sweet-tea southern charm since he's been elected. Cantor the 'House' boy, Graham the Senate Queen, I do declare!

At least it's better than 'man on dog' Santorum.
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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Shepard Smith Says His Email Is Becoming "More And More Frightening" (VIDEO)

He's right. I have been watching some the patriot sites since the fall of Bear Stearns (there is an intricate web of connection drawn to this with that- the New World Order, FEMA camps, fall of the dollar, Swine Epidemic, Iran, China) and I know that they will spin this into a threat against the 2nd Amendment.

They have been ginning this up for some type of event that they feel will be the catalyst for their guns being taken away. I have no particular position either way, yet the lightning of the storm has struck,I just hope that it does set fire to anything.

With the current conditions in the US ripe with angst and anguish, it will only get worse with another unhappy, unemployed, disgruntled man (or possibly woman) losing their way of living and blaming the Magic Negro in office.

I as an observer will always be skeptical of the media, their tendency to overplay certain aspects of facts and not really paying much attention to the reaction, cause or the effects (or at least that is what they want you to believe- remember H1N1, SARS, Ebola, etc being hyped to proportions tantamount to a nuclear strike). But the age 88, is an interesting piece... ok I shut up now.
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Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Big Gay Chip on My Shoulder

Thank you! Start at the foundation of the subject to find the common ground. That's the strategy that's to work. Thank you!
About Gay Marriage
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cars Are Like Cigarettes; The New Pariah

I have never owned a car and never will. I hate cars. If you decide to run from people and move to the suburbs, that's your problem. Learn how to get groceries from the grocery to the home like poorer people do. Suburbanites are not entitled to pollute atmosphere without their fair share of criticism. I have been a city dweller and I have been a country bumpkin. I carry groceries by hand. If you can't carry it you shouldn't be eating it. If it's too heavy, it's too much (there's a weight loss tip). Families with children over 5 should have their help carry them home; here in Switzerland, that's what I have seen. (Families with newborns and toddlers are exempt).

I have also notice that people who own cars are more likely to gain more weight. You walk less, move less, and sweat less. Cars are the most abused human creation on the planet. People who exercise more live longer on average anyhow. I rather see the demise of the car than the demise of the bike. I like being healthy and not participating in the destruction of our atmosphere.

Conclusion, Amen. People who argue for cars are intellectually lazy. It's amazing the poorest on earth tend live longer without the convenience of a car. This is only my opinion, though rather harsh, it's my planet too.
About Climate Change
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Prop 8 Decision: Gay Marriage Ban Upheld By California Supreme Court

I have lived in and visited California. My impression of how the gay community went about gaining support is laughable and apparent to me. I am sure the 'twink' population was not interested nor was the older gay male population was not interested in educating the young ones. I can't speak for lesbians, but the rule of thumb is that they had their shit together. I also , believe gays tend to be bigots and elitists assholes, despite their Human Rights Campaign.

Many white and black gay boys/twinks/men are dismissive of blacks. Their attitudes and expectations of blacks, mainly derived from watching BET or Noah's Arc, is dismissive at best. Then many of the gay black men involved, remained invisible, afraid to confront his community, allowed it to happen. Thus helping to alienated one of the most visible and powerful voting bloc of the Californian electorate.

I don't speak for all my demographic representation, but my experiences have taught me that gays can be bigots too and this decision should be a wake up call to grow up. Ignoring African-Americans in election never worked. It's time the gay community learned that.
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Analysis: NKorea widens threat, limits US options

WAR is primitive. Period. It's a waste of all resources. This is an issue that needs to be addressed.

Back on the geo-political playground of cock fights, good luck there Obama. China has our money, Iran and N.Korea under it's auspices... Russia is just laying back with it's feet up waiting for our next move. Oh, I forgot neither one is bothered by the events, really, and they both have veto power at the UN.

Talk about screwed.
About North Korea
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Monday, May 25, 2009

Bill Maher Dismisses Sean Hannity's Criticism: He's Just "Terribly Sexually Repressed" (VIDEO)

Why does anyone care what comes out of the blowhards at FixedNews? The name of either Foxnews or Rupert Murdoch raises my blood pressure just by the pure mention. I have notice when they leave the nest, nest being FixedNews, the get devoured. Bill Maher is only verbalizing what we all think, News Corp is right-wing sounding board for angry, xenophobic, homophobic, sexual repressed, over the hill, misogynists men. With a needle in the hay-stack exceptions.
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North Korean Nuke Test: What Good Is Diplomacy?

Pyongyang's defiance poses an ever-deeper quandary for the rest of the world: Time.I really hope this isn't a piece that will begin the armament of nation toward another military conflict of any sort. Something to 'improve' economies.

read more | digg story

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Police Brutality: Cops Punt Man In The Head, Then High-Five (VIDEO)

Black folks and Hispanics have been warning the nation of police brutality (and Airport Security) for a long time, now it's come to the point that if you look like something they don't like, they will either cause bodily harm or death with nothing much but a slap on the wrist as a punishment. Don't speed, spit, or flick anything in public or you'll get your ass whooped.
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Money matters on the agenda in US visit

Justice Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf has met with Acting Deputy United States Attorney General David Margolis to discuss "international financial issues".

read more | digg story

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Rick Santelli's Tea Party & what it means to me...

You know, I watched this video of Rick Santelli after watching Mark Haines blow his fuse over the White House plan to help people that made mistakes, stupid boneheaded mistakes... I agree that if you break it you should buy it. This seems a little too late for that, especially when the ones who are bitching about the "bailout", "socialism we can believe in", "moral hazard" benefited greatly when they took advantage of the "idiots", "low lives", "trash", and "losers". They don't want to be responsible for the rigged game that they help create, executed, and profited from.

No shame. Just none. I think they would be content when those so called "losers" start throwing out current tenants. I guess he would be content if neighborhoods turned into large barren and dangerous ghettos/hoods where crime will become the standard of living. From, this, I guess, if you screwed up, go to hell. Or maybe he lives in a gated community; locked in his own life raft.

But, boy will they start to bitch, when their home values fall through the frigging floor. Boy will they bitch when their bank has to shut it's door to them when they get laid off. Boy will they bitch when the state gov't has to shut down the school, downsize teaching staff, close police offices, fire departments, cut funding to highways, close libraries (once again), raises taxes or shut down public access utilities (water, road repairs, sewage, street lighting,etc) because of the lack of property tax revenue for decreased home values and increased foreclosures. California was just one vote away from exactly that, and they're the richest state in the US!

It's funny that the drunk drivers of this car wreck of an economy, with their drug (credit) addict passengers in tow, are ready to kick the passengers out of a speeding death trap so they can be proud of the car crash. Once out, surviving only because of their overdose level of alcohol, pointing to their dead passengers as the assailants who crashed the car. Not satisfied with passing the blame and avoiding any responsible, and is belligerent at the thought of accountability, walks over and urinates upon their wrangled bodies and body parts.

"Heres tea in your eye..!

Yes, it's grotesque isn't? Well, that's what this tea party means to me. You can have your Iceland, an eat it too!

I guess I'm just and idiot socialist. So be it.
Please comment.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mark Haines is Not Happy. Fireworks on CNBC!

Mark Haines is angry that moral hazard was not considered. Umm, right.

Okay, it seems that Mark Haines would rather see his neighbors kicked out, or one of his family members booted to the curb (literally) in the name of moral hazard. I find it odd that he would even allow this to dribble out his mouth, moral hazard should have been his issue in 2000. I guess moral hazard only applies to the suckers who took the loans and not the sharks who worked their damnedest to get their bonuses. Or, it must not apply to the fact that our society is based on living outside our means, and not right-minded consumption.

It's little late and irresponsible to run to a church that you helped burn down. Jumping around in the ashes begging for answers from the fire marshals.

Mark Haines, has just joined the ranks of Lou Dobbs. The ranting, grumpy old men club.

This sounds like a nascent right-wing talking point in the future. Just keep your ears to the ground. "Grrr... why are we rewarding the irresponsible!"

New York Post Chimp Cartoon Compares Stimulus Author To Dead Primate

Rabid racism from the likes of the Ruppert Murdoch Empire. Say it ain't so! I mean, I am so surprised.

As my parent would say, they're just showing their ass now. It's was a matter time and no effort I guess. I was just waiting... Racism is the disease that will destroy us all. Good grief.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

California Prepares To Eliminate 10,000 Jobs Today

I guess when the pitch forks and torches show up outside the legislators house because of a major system failure due to lack of workers and tax revenue, they will run to hike taxes. For now, God forbid paying for service one receives from the state. God forbid helping people in need. God forbid improving the pavement on which one walks. I guess these republicans wants the system to rot and purge the needy to death, kicking folks off the lifeboat. The funny thing is that they are on that life boat too.
About Recession
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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Trillion Dollar Idiot

The track record of the last part of TARP was a total failure when it came to the assistance of the American people. As for me, $350 billion is just enough to judge the out come of another $350 billion for same group receiving it. If the source of the credit crisis is the bad mortgages and toxic loans, why are we giving the money to the banks, why aren't we buying them up directly, bypass the idiots who got us here in the first place. Why are we hiring same doctor who made us sick? It's absurd and backwards. To my friends in the United States of America, I say this with the utmost respect of your person... you are being abused. Abused.

My thoughts, as they are-

The thing is that the sources of the dyer warnings about the collapse of the economy, on the condition of no government assistance, are the same asses who boldfaced lied to their shareholders, international partners, and the American and worldwide public about the state of their institution. Now we are suppose to believe them now, and just hand them over an award for such a monumental disaster, that they created? Are they insane?

Has anyone been paying any bit of attention? Iceland, the land of Bjork and Sigurros, has removed their PM, over their bankers (banksters). France is angry as hell (and with Wall Street and London, I might add). Lithuania and Latvia are just as discontent. The Swiss are holding their breath to see how big of losses the are about to have between 2-10,000 layoffs predicted, and $15-20 billion losses for the two of the largest Swiss banks. This financial bird-flu is straining our relationships abroad.

Why? Because the Wall Street know-it-alls sold them the same BS and butter that the American public has been freighten into believing with out a single thought being processed. Now our allies are angry with the U.S. for blowing it on coke, booze, and trash cans?!?!?!

As I was writing this, this just broke...
The first swiss shoe has fallen with a "resounding thud".

Thursday, January 22, 2009

You may be done with the past, but the past...

Still Bushed!

In the last Bushed piece, Obama may be able to avoid public ridicule and right wing backlash if the UN stepped up to the plate and played it's role(Alan!). This would be a sight indeed, to see the former administration (Rummy, Dick, Bush, & Gonzo Circus LLC) prosecuted for violating the Geneva Conventions and disregarding the very institution that the United States helped construct, create, and institute. No Irony. just justice for once.

At last!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Stomach Burn!

Watch CBS Videos Online

Ann Coulter is a women who helps me feel good about myself as a liberal. I love being what she hates. I love the idea that she would be in hell if I were in breathing distance of her. Ann Coulter is a laughable comedian, let alone a journalist. It irks me that she is allowed to be let out in public, despite her safety. Tom Delay being a victim, good grief. Bush a victim? Next she will say that she is the sexiest woman alive!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Third Hand Smoke

Do I need another reason to quit? Well, I have been with out a cigarette for 2 months,(Gilles can verify). I really wanted to quit when the next day after dancing at a bar/club, out of guilt, I wanted to go the gym and the scent and odor of the smoke was all over my clothes. I feel embarrassed when I show up to a gym, smelling like a lit cigarette. I become ill after working out smelling smoke or remnants thereof. It made me even sicker if I had not smoked for awhile, like a week or so or if my hang over was in it's peak. Even now, just going to the a smoke filled bar gives me a turn of the stomach.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rice, Bombs, and Horses?

Food, bombs, rices, and capitulation... Sounds like a media smorgasbord and cacophony of crap.