The screw continues to turn!
"U.S. balks call to decriminalize homosexuality"
Well if this isn't a sign to the LGBT community, I don't know what is. I hope that the LGBT start to solidify its collective reach. This is not a good sign for any of us that support freedom of expression. The United States of Bigotry.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Digg Story: U.S. balks call to decriminalize homosexuality
Rick Warren Praises Obama's "Courage" For Taking "Enormous Heat From His Base"
Well, my opinion as a gay black man, gays needed this. Gays need to pull their collective sh*t together! We have tons of bigots in our community and that needs to be solved. We needed to be knocked down in order for us to get up. Let us deal with our problems. We as gays tend to be harder on ourselves than the rest of society, so your baseless opinion was, is, will neither be required nor desired. Gays should not, if they are, be angry with anyone. The LGBT community needs to look at it from this perspective: The African-American people who were cowed by the one group that use to denounce their access to heaven, the Mormons, needs to have more contact with us.
So as far as I am concern, the black community that voted for prop H8, based on religious rhetoric from the Mormons, were the hapless victims of hate politics used in the 04 campaign; God, Gays, & Guns campaign. I am not mad at anyone sweetheart, I can only expect actions such as this
from the United States of Bigotry.
Gays need to end their dependence on the heterosexual community and clean up our mess.
About President Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
This was a response to a comment on the story...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Gays, Progressives Upset By Obama Invocation Pick
Rick Warren, Obama Invocation Choice, Causing First Real Rift With Progressives
Ever since Barack Obama took office, the media has been pining to write a story about liberal dissatisfaction with his transition efforts. By and large, the meme has been blown out of proportion, as the press overestimated how divisive Obama's cabinet choices were for progressives.
The press may now have its conflict moment. And it comes in the form of the spiritual leader chosen to launch Obama's inauguration.
The press may now have its conflict moment. And it comes in the form of the spiritual leader chosen to launch Obama's inauguration.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Jon Stewart skewers the Reverend
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Politico: The Crypt: Waters to Treasury: Don't dare ask
Blog: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) warns Treasury against asking for the second half of the $700B.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Has any one considered this idea:
The only bailout the big 3 automakers should get is paying for the employees at the company. Pay for the salary and wages of all employees until the company restructures. I believe that allowing a blank check or a unmitigated bailout like the $700 billion (CRAP) TARP will leave devoted employees out on their behinds. The downsizing and the removal of the unions is the top priority of GM, Ford, and Chrysler despite their poor plight of "saving the worker". We should never be fool!
Congress should pass a employee protection bill where the employees are cared for until the company restructures and pull it's resources Or is that too Euro-centric? Then at least the loan from the government would not be so big for the concerned companies and the Americans will not be responsible or guilty of allowing several million employees to be laid of because of 3 stubborn corporate boards would rather run into a problem broadside that try to lead themselves out of a conundrum of tantamount stupidity.
Or, we could use Ashton Kutchner idea, let the oil companies bailout the losers.
The only bailout the big 3 automakers should get is paying for the employees at the company. Pay for the salary and wages of all employees until the company restructures. I believe that allowing a blank check or a unmitigated bailout like the $700 billion (CRAP) TARP will leave devoted employees out on their behinds. The downsizing and the removal of the unions is the top priority of GM, Ford, and Chrysler despite their poor plight of "saving the worker". We should never be fool!
Congress should pass a employee protection bill where the employees are cared for until the company restructures and pull it's resources Or is that too Euro-centric? Then at least the loan from the government would not be so big for the concerned companies and the Americans will not be responsible or guilty of allowing several million employees to be laid of because of 3 stubborn corporate boards would rather run into a problem broadside that try to lead themselves out of a conundrum of tantamount stupidity.
Or, we could use Ashton Kutchner idea, let the oil companies bailout the losers.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
California to Investigate Mormon Aid to Gay Marriage Ban
California officials will investigate whether the Mormon church accurately described its role in a campaign to ban gay marriage in the state.
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Monday, November 24, 2008
White extremists lash out over election of first black presi
The Ku Klux Klan is emerging from decades of disorganization and obscurity, and the turnaround is acutely evident -- more than 200 hate-related incidents have been reported since the Nov. 4 election.
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Project Censored's Top 25 Stories You Won't Hear About
A must read for anyone who thought the news cycle ended with the presidential elections...
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Prop H8
This is why I appreciate Keith Olbermann. I have admired his ability to demonstrate that one does not need to be the "victim" to speak out for those who are. His ability demonstrate what brotherhood in action mean, empathy. Even if you do not care nor favor "Gay Marriage", it is the principle of understanding that we share this world together and that we have a responsibility to share it fruits with each other.
A Doctor, a Mutation and a Potential Cure for AIDS
A Bone Marrow Transplant to Treat a Leukemia Patient Also Gives Him Virus-Resistant Cells; Many Thanks, Sample 61.I am praying for the doctors to succeed with this. Thanks Doc!
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Monday, October 13, 2008
Spoken from the Grave Aldous Huxley
It is interesting how thing s in the past are hauntingly apparent now. Without so much as a time machine, Aldous speaks to us today and screams a truth that many of us ignore on its face. The problem is that maybe we have already landed in the Brave New World, and the mother ship has left us behind.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Levi-Bristol Wedding Show Stopper!
I take everything I read about American politics in the British papers with a grain of salt. But giving what we've seen so far, I can't say I'd be surprised if the moral jalopy that is the McCain-Palin Straight Talk...
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Thursday, September 25, 2008
TrueAmerica sent you a video: "Reaction to Bush Address: Plan Falls Short"
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TrueAmerica has shared a video with you on YouTube: President Bush's address on the state of the economy emphasized a sense of urgency to remedy the crisis, but the process set forth in Washington is bothersome for many Americans. (Sept 25) | |
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China banks told to halt lending to US banks-SCMP
BEIJING, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Chinese regulators have told domestic banks to stop interbank lending to U.S. financial institutions to prevent possible losses during the financial crisis, the South China Morning Post reported on Thursday. The Hong...
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Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says
Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says
By Frank Ahrens
The director of the Congressional Budget Office said yesterday that the proposed Wall Street bailout could actually worsen the current financial crisis.
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Fish Fry Anyone?
I smell fish.
I don't know why. I just smell fish. I don't see any fish. I am nowhere near a harbor, yet I smell fish. What do you think? The "bailout" seems to be a Trojan horse, or pig, full of things wicked writhing it's way toward revelation...
I am reading tons of sources, from Al Jazeera, Financial Times, CNBC, and the Congressional Budget Office warning that it may not be enough, little too late, and that it will definitely spread a large unsurmountable amount of doubt to the credit markets. The confidence in the companies that participate will be heavily scrutinized and will be blacklisted.
Yeah, I smell fish.
I don't know why. I just smell fish. I don't see any fish. I am nowhere near a harbor, yet I smell fish. What do you think? The "bailout" seems to be a Trojan horse, or pig, full of things wicked writhing it's way toward revelation...
I am reading tons of sources, from Al Jazeera, Financial Times, CNBC, and the Congressional Budget Office warning that it may not be enough, little too late, and that it will definitely spread a large unsurmountable amount of doubt to the credit markets. The confidence in the companies that participate will be heavily scrutinized and will be blacklisted.
Yeah, I smell fish.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The of Audacity Greed
They really think we're stupid don't they? No details, no specifics, must buy at a higher premium, and reward the idiots at the same time. Yeah, we asked for this. We allow Paulson and Bernanke to even attempt to ask for such a request. To stoop so low to insult the better ranges of our intelligence. That is some balls.
They want not just you, but according to Cernig on Crooks&Liars, Europe (Britain, Germany, and wait for it... France) to help set up the same type of toxic slush fund for the "troubled banks". The European Union, separate from the 3 nations, was asked and tasked by the Bush Administrtation to come with the same idea as well. They all said no, no, no, no. As they and we should.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Pure BS!
Hey, before I start, I would like apologize for my absence.
Anyhow, while I was gone, I noticed something astounding. The surprise on everyone's face when they heard that 3 giant banking institutions failed from shady practices. I constantly shook my head as the news rolled in. At least over here in, on the other side of the Atlantic, they were predicting this with certainty while President Paulson assured the Americans that the banking system is "sound". That was bs and still is. What I find abhorrent is the lack of outrage on behalf of every tax paying American.
Aren't you pissed? Aren't ready to pull a Kayne West? Bush don't like Americans. It's that simple. He botched 9/11, Katrina, Rita, Iraq, Afghanistan, relationship with every former ally, and now he took your money. I guess we hadn't had enough with Bush Corrupt Inc.'s lying, cheating, and arrogant administration. You know at least in 3rd world countries when bankers or leaders screw their nation out of $700 billion for banks, $1-2 trillion for a war based on a lie, and $1 trillion for the wealthy based as homage to his idol, the people would at least hold a trial, protest, riot, or have some type civil disobedience. Apparently, we are content with being raped of our treasure over a supposed "miscalculation of investments" or "faulty intelligence". Faulty indeed. Apparently people either don't understand the magnitude of the this or just don't care. To me this is bs. Just bs.
As for the campaign, McCain should be boo-ed at every corner. Obama should be riding this issue like a cowboy. I mean pounce. Obama shouldn't worry about losing white women, he should worry about losing black men and women. In the black community, if you are so much as seen incompetently soft, weak, and missing an opportunity, they will stay home. McCain's fingerprints are all over this and his still carrying more than 40% of the polls: bs.
Last, but not least, my final point. From my understanding, many of this guys on Wall Street have at least a bachelors degree. Many of them have been in the profession for a very long time. Also, the CEO's are normally required to have extensive multi-decade managerial and economic experience; especially in the finance industry. From the few business classes I have taken, any chief of any department have extensive experience in planning and management. When someone who has fore knowledge of his position knows how to manage it, right? Many of these chiefs go to ivy league institutions, with the best educators and education offered in the world, right? Tony Blair is teaching at W's alma mater. So what happened? Why did several, not one bank that carries all the other banks, but several banks in different industry focus, fall prey to the same problem? A problem that many of us have seen from the ground up.
These Harvard, Yale, Notre Dame, MIT graduates could not see this coming? The former CEO of one of the two surviving banks, now Treasury Secretary couldn't see this coming? You mean to tell me that Ron Paul was right!? He's a physician!(I am not a republican by any means but he does have a point) No I am not making this up. What's really *&#@ed up, is I rarely hear anyone put these things together. I have, since last year, believe that this had to be planned. Why wouldn't it be planned. It's $700 billion of your money. Of your children's money. Of the veterans money. Of the senior citizen's money. You don't want to pay for a "welfare mama", but you are going to pay for the welfare of your bankers. Not planned? They don't have to work for it, you do- and you have to give it to them.
Call me crazy, the bailout is set to benefit the Ivy Leagues screw-ups, not you.
There is no legal recourse for it and... and... wait for it... we also maybe paying for foreign banks as well (Paulson China connection)!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Resetting the Cold War Chess Game
Russian Bombers have landed in Venezuela. It appears to be the Cold War has just brought to world back the frigid times and terms of our past. This time with diluted relations the United States has with Europe, South America, and Asia, Russian has put the West in check.
The detriment in this election season is that the immature voters would react with unilateral excitement, inciting a republican victory. The hint of this getting to the public that Russia has landed within ear shot of the United States would create the perfect storm for fear politics the Rovian Republicans are looking for. Fresh red meat. That fear had dissipated to their dismay in 2006 when they couldn't conjure enough fear to increase or hold on to their power in congress. The Republican majority and power was deemed doomed by the MSM. Then Georgia landed in our lap.
Gilles and I were in Agay, France when I saw the newspaper headlines read (of course in French)- War In Europe! I had to do a double take, then a sinking feeling came over me. I was trying to run all the former Soviet states in my head, but to no avail could I remember which nation is in close relation with the US. I was, and I am sure that many of you were aware of the growing frigid relations between Russian and the US. Shaking my head I remembered that Poland and the Czech Republic (sorry Neo-Cons, it isn't Czechoslavakia anymore) are signing up for the missile defence shield. Relieved I walked away.
The region's conflict with Russia is close to a 100 years old. US-led NATO efforts just made it muddier. Condi's support for Georgia's acceptance into NATO and the free weaponry from the West has only peeved Putin and Medvedev. Just a little. And after signing an agreement with Poland for a missile defence shield (which is BS according to alot of public officials on this side of the pond), Russia is sick of the US's insistent hegemony in Europe.
The desired influence the Bush Administration wants over Europe will not be fulfilled. Europeans are sick of being the battle field for resolving the world's conflicts. Ending over several thousand years of conflict in Europe is the goal of the European Union. People here want peace and like it. As I live and breathe, Europeans are eager to resolve problems without force, unlike so many in United States, where the last conflict within it's borders was the Spanish-American War (which I believe could be disputed). The survivors of US past wars have perished, in Europe they are still walking around, annoyed by the rhetoric from both Russia and the United States. My partner's parents, not to mention their parents as well, watched as their entire cities and villages, as children, be bombarded by American and British bombs. The French are grateful for the liberation, but would rather find other means than military conflict to get it.
The Point-
The aftermath of Bush-Cheney policies, Rovian marketing genius, and Republican stranglehold on the Religious Right are the perfect tri-fecta to pull support for McPalin. This recent development in Venezuela will possibly excite the NeoCons ambition and rhetoric that "d"emocrats "are weak on defence". Ironically, blinded by their ignorance they(the cultural conservatives) don't see that the sitting President allowed this to happen. The destruction of relationships with Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Admadinejad and formerly Jacques Chirac created this situation and the reluctance of any of the American allies to assist the United States when in need. That is the reality now. Emboldened by the Bush Administration's unilateralism and absolute disregard for civility, Hugo and Vladimir has every reason to team up. They both control a large and potent portion of natural gas and oil reserves that Europe and the United States crucially depend upon. Yet the Rovian right will not see it that way. The Rovians and the NeoCons will use this opportunity to say the "world doesn't respect the prowess and power of the United States". Just watch in the coming days how the NeoCons spin the hell out this development. If history is any indicator with the addition of Palin-mania, this may just work.
Not to mention this information being released on the 7th anniversary of 9/11.
I feel that Obama's appearance as a pacifist and "limp-wrist liberal" will be the focus. Fox News will have a field day.
Not to mention this information being released on the 7th anniversary of 9/11.
I feel that Obama's appearance as a pacifist and "limp-wrist liberal" will be the focus. Fox News will have a field day.
Nightmare at Disney Land
I would definitely have to agree with Damon. The hilarity of "Vice President Palin" is sickening with humor. I would never necessarily bring my opinions to this level, but good grief, he nailed it. The right-wing would love to live in a sanitized, securitized, sexless, happy go lucky (or gay depending on if you're Larry Craig or others like him) existence. We normal people call that Disney Land/World.
I would definitely have to agree with Damon. The hilarity of "Vice President Palin" is sickening with humor. I would never necessarily bring my opinions to this level, but good grief, he nailed it. The right-wing would love to live in a sanitized, securitized, sexless, happy go lucky (or gay depending on if you're Larry Craig or others like him) existence. We normal people call that Disney Land/World.
I wonder if the Palin pick -the absurdity, inexperience, attitude and all- would be enough for people who really don't care about politics to get of their keisters and drive to their local polling station and vote. That would be nice wouldn't it?
Just a side note, this video originally appeared on, which is apart of the Disney conglomeration. I tried to get the video from that source and it doesn't seem to be there any more. Just speculating.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Their Perverse Fantasies
I guess the last stretch of the campaigns are going to stretch our imagination into gutter politics.
The McCain campaign ad is painting Obama as a "happy go lucky" perv! Just take notice to at how they have Obama's head turned downward over his shoulder. The ad incites thoughts of a "pedophile" on the prowl.
McCain is sick. He wants to talk family values and respect. It would be especially nice if the McPalin camp practice what they preach. This ad will backfire, considering Palin's pregnant, unwed daughter.
The McCain campaign ad is painting Obama as a "happy go lucky" perv! Just take notice to at how they have Obama's head turned downward over his shoulder. The ad incites thoughts of a "pedophile" on the prowl.
McCain is sick. He wants to talk family values and respect. It would be especially nice if the McPalin camp practice what they preach. This ad will backfire, considering Palin's pregnant, unwed daughter.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Drawing Connections after 8 Years
At the beginning of the year I started to notice something a bit fishy. The GDP numbers weren't reflecting the chaos that the rest of the world was experiencing. Like, you know, the housing catastrophe, banking turmoil and failures, Walls Street's schizophrenic reactions, and not to mention rising energy and consumer prices, and a devaluation of the dollar (minus the current rebound).
I realized that the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce are all appointed by the Bush administration: am I fishing? I wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't put it past this administration to pull a fast one during the election season. You know, help a friend in need.
I realized that the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce are all appointed by the Bush administration: am I fishing? I wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't put it past this administration to pull a fast one during the election season. You know, help a friend in need.
The "polls" say that economics will be the deciding factor in the election (well it should be!), despite the war in Iraq. McCain with 7 seven houses, a billionaire wife, and his self confessed ignorance of the economy has made his own coffin. So what to do, what to do? I know... possibly fudge the numbers? Oh, wait that would be to obvious... Um, underfund the agency which would do the accounting and reporting for the United States government.
Am I reaching? Well MSNBC's web article increases my suspicion that the cronies are tinkering with the numbers, just a little bit. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but there is large jump in the number and a far cry from public sentiment. It's not rocket science.
This Damned Race
I went to to watch the View (just a waste of time) and on the front page I saw a comment posted on the web site about Obama's "falling" approval ratings. The point this commenter was making was that because Obama won the primary, winning over a well qualified woman, Palin will attract women who feel that he has too much "hubris", not qualified, and "undeserving" of the white house. Essentially he will "pay" for winning the primary against Hillary and not picking her for a running mate. (!!!!!)
Now that's pure BS! If that is why women or a Hillary supporters will not support Barack Obama, then that is really ^&#@ing immature! To punish Obama for winning the primary, they are willing to put the rest of the country in danger of another 4 years of disastrous policies. This commentator/poster sent a hot flash up my back considering that McCain/Palin are very unpopular worldwide. Really, I have watch the comments come out of the most liberal corners on the net (Crooksandliars, Salon, Huffingtonpost, guests on Keith Olberman's show, etc..) and the pandering of the right to that sentiment. Many pundits, not just on cable news outlets or blogs, have been using language that would incite a person that supported Hillary to hate Obama. If you just follow language from some commentators from the "political" insiders, especially the ones who use to support Hillary, their language isn't blatantly disparaging, but weak in their support for Obama (Andrea Mitchell is good for that).
I just feel that if voters are going to vote with their immaturity, then we are in serious trouble; remember Guns, Gays, & God. I have this unnerving feeling that Obama will have lost the race because of the bitterness over the primary outcome. I am not worried about Obama doing anything to lose,or the Clintons doing anything to derail Obama- albeit their support is lukewarm at best, because it seems that the MSM (Mainstream Media) ignores McPalin anyhow, no matter how many times he screws up, backtracks, changes, lies, or flat out ignores basic logic. Some of my friends her in Switzerland believe that Americans should have had enough of the last 8 years. Sadly, yet when it comes down to it, I believe that many of the Bushites will come in droves now. The culture war has re-ignited. They have more of a reason not let the 'd'emocrats in office; with Palin on the McCain ticket they can get away with "feeling" liberal and diverse. They will hide behind Palin as a excuse not to vote for a "black" guy. Palin has destroyed the race by giving bigots a "diverse" ticket and something to hide behind.
If you run into some who has "suddenly" change their alliance or their stringent support of Obama to McCain, or they start doubting the viability of Obama in office, then you have just run into a Palin convert.
Basically, racism and bitterness will determine this race now. Maybe and hopefully I am wrong, but the tone toward Obama has darkened and the rhetoric about sexism has increased to levels not seen since the primaries. Palin has "entertained and indulged" the masses and she is being rewarded for it.
Now that's pure BS! If that is why women or a Hillary supporters will not support Barack Obama, then that is really ^&#@ing immature! To punish Obama for winning the primary, they are willing to put the rest of the country in danger of another 4 years of disastrous policies. This commentator/poster sent a hot flash up my back considering that McCain/Palin are very unpopular worldwide. Really, I have watch the comments come out of the most liberal corners on the net (Crooksandliars, Salon, Huffingtonpost, guests on Keith Olberman's show, etc..) and the pandering of the right to that sentiment. Many pundits, not just on cable news outlets or blogs, have been using language that would incite a person that supported Hillary to hate Obama. If you just follow language from some commentators from the "political" insiders, especially the ones who use to support Hillary, their language isn't blatantly disparaging, but weak in their support for Obama (Andrea Mitchell is good for that).
I just feel that if voters are going to vote with their immaturity, then we are in serious trouble; remember Guns, Gays, & God. I have this unnerving feeling that Obama will have lost the race because of the bitterness over the primary outcome. I am not worried about Obama doing anything to lose,or the Clintons doing anything to derail Obama- albeit their support is lukewarm at best, because it seems that the MSM (Mainstream Media) ignores McPalin anyhow, no matter how many times he screws up, backtracks, changes, lies, or flat out ignores basic logic. Some of my friends her in Switzerland believe that Americans should have had enough of the last 8 years. Sadly, yet when it comes down to it, I believe that many of the Bushites will come in droves now. The culture war has re-ignited. They have more of a reason not let the 'd'emocrats in office; with Palin on the McCain ticket they can get away with "feeling" liberal and diverse. They will hide behind Palin as a excuse not to vote for a "black" guy. Palin has destroyed the race by giving bigots a "diverse" ticket and something to hide behind.
If you run into some who has "suddenly" change their alliance or their stringent support of Obama to McCain, or they start doubting the viability of Obama in office, then you have just run into a Palin convert.
Basically, racism and bitterness will determine this race now. Maybe and hopefully I am wrong, but the tone toward Obama has darkened and the rhetoric about sexism has increased to levels not seen since the primaries. Palin has "entertained and indulged" the masses and she is being rewarded for it.
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