Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This Damned Race

I went to ABCNews.com to watch the View (just a waste of time) and on the front page I saw a comment posted on the web site about Obama's "falling" approval ratings. The point this commenter was making was that because Obama won the primary, winning over a well qualified woman, Palin will attract women who feel that he has too much "hubris", not qualified, and "undeserving" of the white house. Essentially he will "pay" for winning the primary against Hillary and not picking her for a running mate. (!!!!!)

Now that's pure BS! If that is why women or a Hillary supporters will not support Barack Obama, then that is really ^&#@ing immature! To punish Obama for winning the primary, they are willing to put the rest of the country in danger of another 4 years of disastrous policies. This commentator/poster sent a hot flash up my back considering that McCain/Palin are very unpopular worldwide. Really, I have watch the comments come out of the most liberal corners on the net (Crooksandliars, Salon, Huffingtonpost, guests on Keith Olberman's show, etc..) and the pandering of the right to that sentiment. Many pundits, not just on cable news outlets or blogs, have been using language that would incite a person that supported Hillary to hate Obama. If you just follow language from some commentators from the "political" insiders, especially the ones who use to support Hillary, their language isn't blatantly disparaging, but weak in their support for Obama (Andrea Mitchell is good for that).

I just feel that if voters are going to vote with their immaturity, then we are in serious trouble; remember Guns, Gays, & God. I have this unnerving feeling that Obama will have lost the race because of the bitterness over the primary outcome. I am not worried about Obama doing anything to lose,or the Clintons doing anything to derail Obama- albeit their support is lukewarm at best, because it seems that the MSM (Mainstream Media) ignores McPalin anyhow, no matter how many times he screws up, backtracks, changes, lies, or flat out ignores basic logic. Some of my friends her in Switzerland believe that Americans should have had enough of the last 8 years. Sadly, yet when it comes down to it, I believe that many of the Bushites will come in droves now. The culture war has re-ignited. They have more of a reason not let the 'd'emocrats in office; with Palin on the McCain ticket they can get away with "feeling" liberal and diverse. They will hide behind Palin as a excuse not to vote for a "black" guy. Palin has destroyed the race by giving bigots a "diverse" ticket and something to hide behind.

If you run into some who has "suddenly" change their alliance or their stringent support of Obama to McCain, or they start doubting the viability of Obama in office, then you have just run into a Palin convert.

Basically, racism and bitterness will determine this race now. Maybe and hopefully I am wrong, but the tone toward Obama has darkened and the rhetoric about sexism has increased to levels not seen since the primaries. Palin has "entertained and indulged" the masses and she is being rewarded for it.


Shawna said...

Hi Roy! Great blog. As a Hillary supporter I have to add my view to this though. I've been a supporter of the Democratic Party since I was 12 and passionate about politics ever since. I will never vote for a Republican because social and economically our view do not mesh. That being said while I was once torn between Obama and Clinton there is a reason I decided to be a Clinton girl, because I whole heartedly believe that she could have changed the country and I don't think Obama can do that. It has nothing to do with the way he look but about the way he thinks. His ideas are grand and hopeful but he actually needs a good dose of reality. There is no way to accomplish what he thinks he will accomplish and creating an illusion that somehow this country will look remarkable different 2-4 years down the road does him more harm than good. I have a big problem with Obama's lack of experience in a leadership role.

In the end though there will be one thing that will drag me to the voting booth on November 4th and that will be the Supreme Court. We will more than likely lose two justices within the next four years and nothing scares me more than the thought of McPalin making that decision.

I do hope though that he wins and that some of his ideas come to fruition. I honestly have a hard time seeing him as anything other than an one term president.

Food for thought!

Unknown said...

Well said! I just fear that a lot of Hillary supporters lose or have lost sight of the bigger picture- conservative courts, eradication of science in schools, or the eradication of public schooling, and 4 more years of embarrassingly futile unilateral diplomacy with a cranky old man at the wheel. It frightens the hell out of me. And the NeoCons are good playing up that divisive and dismissive side of politics.

And for Obama, I was an Obama supporter until I seen the large, unsurmountable amount of cash he was raising. Something was up. A pauper's dream with a king's war chest. Who is he pleasing?

I also feel that Obama's pull had more to do with people realizing that Clintons had a lot scores to settle with the right (the whole Kenneth Star crew). There was a vast right wing conspiracy to pull them down.

I believe the democrats and moderates who are with Obama, aren't google-eyed stupid with admiration for what he is promising. Bush has done a century's worth of damage, many irreversible, if we are honest with ourselves. Obama is the plug to a draining American society, McPalin is the drain cleaner that would worsen an already drained society.