Friday, August 13, 2010

Dr. Laura's N-Word Rant: Radio Host Apologizes For Offensive Language (AUDIO)

What a silly world.

The woman should leave her husband because of his lack of respect for her emotional safety, one. Two, ol' girl needs to speak up, stand up to him, and not call a fake doctor.

I hate that word, but apparently this particular word is a remnant of a master/slave mentality used to keep 'blacks' in their place by their oppressors. And they were and are successful in doing so.

To my 'white' friends, get some street cred(ibility). If you had a hard knock life, which many of you did, share it and understand that color had nothing to with it.

To my 'minority' friends, you have a CHOICE! If someone calls you out your name it is NOT required to turn around and prove them right. If I had reacted they way they EXPECTED me to every time I heard an epithet, I would be EXACTLY where THEY wanted me to be... humiliated and detained.

It's a word. Words can only have power if WE give it to them. The power is our choice.

This goes for any epithet.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Doug McKelway Suspended: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger In The Face Taken Off Air After Fight With Management

I think if you legislate against someone's rights, which you practice in secret, you should be outed. It's not right to pass your self hatred on to someone else.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why The Prop 8 Ruling Scares Religious Conservatives

I love the religious the arguments. So if 49 states says it's illegal to marry more than one spouse, then why is it ok for the Mormons (and other evangelical denominations) to push that lifestyle upon our society when "majority of American believe that marriage is between A man and A woman". HUH!?!?

Issue here is the recognition of marital practices by the state not by Church A. They are seriously marching down a dangerous road. I love how the Religious (I Am always) Right defends discrimination but cry bloody murder when someone or something is not supportive of their beliefs...

We don't pay taxes because 'Gods gonna get you!'... We pay taxes to participate in a 'developing' society. We don't do jury duty because some God 'told us' to do so, we do because it's our civic duty, which can be reciprocated.

I support people's right to practice their faith, but it's disingenuous for any religion to deny rights to others, when their life/existence is a Blessed Gift!(The Lord brought you in this world, she can take you out).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost