Thursday, September 11, 2008

Resetting the Cold War Chess Game

Russian Bombers have landed in Venezuela. It appears to be the Cold War has just brought to world back the frigid times and terms of our past. This time with diluted relations the United States has with Europe, South America, and Asia, Russian has put the West in check.

The detriment in this election season is that the immature voters would react with unilateral excitement, inciting a republican victory. The hint of this getting to the public that Russia has landed within ear shot of the United States would create the perfect storm for fear politics the Rovian Republicans are looking for. Fresh red meat. That fear had dissipated to their dismay in 2006 when they couldn't conjure enough fear to increase or hold on to their power in congress. The Republican majority and power was deemed doomed by the MSM. Then Georgia landed in our lap.

Gilles and I were in Agay, France when I saw the newspaper headlines read (of course in French)- War In Europe! I had to do a double take, then a sinking feeling came over me. I was trying to run all the former Soviet states in my head, but to no avail could I remember which nation is in close relation with the US. I was, and I am sure that many of you were aware of the growing frigid relations between Russian and the US. Shaking my head I remembered that Poland and the Czech Republic (sorry Neo-Cons, it isn't Czechoslavakia anymore) are signing up for the missile defence shield. Relieved I walked away.

The region's conflict with Russia is close to a 100 years old. US-led NATO efforts just made it muddier. Condi's support for Georgia's acceptance into NATO and the free weaponry from the West has only peeved Putin and Medvedev. Just a little. And after signing an agreement with Poland for a missile defence shield (which is BS according to alot of public officials on this side of the pond), Russia is sick of the US's insistent hegemony in Europe.

The desired influence the Bush Administration wants over Europe will not be fulfilled. Europeans are sick of being the battle field for resolving the world's conflicts. Ending over several thousand years of conflict in Europe is the goal of the European Union. People here want peace and like it. As I live and breathe, Europeans are eager to resolve problems without force, unlike so many in United States, where the last conflict within it's borders was the Spanish-American War (which I believe could be disputed). The survivors of US past wars have perished, in Europe they are still walking around, annoyed by the rhetoric from both Russia and the United States. My partner's parents, not to mention their parents as well, watched as their entire cities and villages, as children, be bombarded by American and British bombs. The French are grateful for the liberation, but would rather find other means than military conflict to get it.

The Point-

The aftermath of Bush-Cheney policies, Rovian marketing genius, and Republican stranglehold on the Religious Right are the perfect tri-fecta to pull support for McPalin. This recent development in Venezuela will possibly excite the NeoCons ambition and rhetoric that "d"emocrats "are weak on defence". Ironically, blinded by their ignorance they(the cultural conservatives) don't see that the sitting President allowed this to happen. The destruction of relationships with Hugo Chavez, Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Admadinejad and formerly Jacques Chirac created this situation and the reluctance of any of the American allies to assist the United States when in need. That is the reality now. Emboldened by the Bush Administration's unilateralism and absolute disregard for civility, Hugo and Vladimir has every reason to team up. They both control a large and potent portion of natural gas and oil reserves that Europe and the United States crucially depend upon. Yet the Rovian right will not see it that way. The Rovians and the NeoCons will use this opportunity to say the "world doesn't respect the prowess and power of the United States". Just watch in the coming days how the NeoCons spin the hell out this development. If history is any indicator with the addition of Palin-mania, this may just work.

Not to mention this information being released on the 7th anniversary of 9/11.

I feel that Obama's appearance as a pacifist and "limp-wrist liberal" will be the focus. Fox News will have a field day.

Nightmare at Disney Land


I would definitely have to agree with Damon. The hilarity of "Vice President Palin" is sickening with humor. I would never necessarily bring my opinions to this level, but good grief, he nailed it. The right-wing would love to live in a sanitized, securitized, sexless, happy go lucky (or gay depending on if you're Larry Craig or others like him) existence. We normal people call that Disney Land/World.

I wonder if the Palin pick -the absurdity, inexperience, attitude and all- would be enough for people who really don't care about politics to get of their keisters and drive to their local polling station and vote. That would be nice wouldn't it?

Just a side note, this video originally appeared on, which is apart of the Disney conglomeration. I tried to get the video from that source and it doesn't seem to be there any more. Just speculating.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Their Perverse Fantasies

I guess the last stretch of the campaigns are going to stretch our imagination into gutter politics.

The McCain campaign ad is painting Obama as a "happy go lucky" perv! Just take notice to at how they have Obama's head turned downward over his shoulder. The ad incites thoughts of a "pedophile" on the prowl.

McCain is sick. He wants to talk family values and respect. It would be especially nice if the McPalin camp practice what they preach. This ad will backfire, considering Palin's pregnant, unwed daughter.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Drawing Connections after 8 Years

At the beginning of the year I started to notice something a bit fishy. The GDP numbers weren't reflecting the chaos that the rest of the world was experiencing. Like, you know, the housing catastrophe, banking turmoil and failures, Walls Street's schizophrenic reactions, and not to mention rising energy and consumer prices, and a devaluation of the dollar (minus the current rebound).

I realized that the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Commerce are all appointed by the Bush administration: am I fishing?  I wouldn't think so, but I wouldn't put it past this administration to pull a fast one during the election season.  You know, help a friend in need.

The "polls" say that economics will be the deciding factor in the election (well it should be!), despite the war in Iraq.  McCain with 7 seven houses, a billionaire wife, and his self confessed ignorance of the economy has made his own coffin.  So what to do, what to do? I know... possibly fudge the numbers? Oh, wait that would be to obvious... Um, underfund the agency which would do the accounting and reporting for the United States government. 

Am I reaching?  Well MSNBC's web article  increases my suspicion that the cronies are tinkering with the numbers, just a little bit. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but there is large jump in the number and a far cry from public sentiment.  It's not rocket science.

This Damned Race

I went to to watch the View (just a waste of time) and on the front page I saw a comment posted on the web site about Obama's "falling" approval ratings. The point this commenter was making was that because Obama won the primary, winning over a well qualified woman, Palin will attract women who feel that he has too much "hubris", not qualified, and "undeserving" of the white house. Essentially he will "pay" for winning the primary against Hillary and not picking her for a running mate. (!!!!!)

Now that's pure BS! If that is why women or a Hillary supporters will not support Barack Obama, then that is really ^&#@ing immature! To punish Obama for winning the primary, they are willing to put the rest of the country in danger of another 4 years of disastrous policies. This commentator/poster sent a hot flash up my back considering that McCain/Palin are very unpopular worldwide. Really, I have watch the comments come out of the most liberal corners on the net (Crooksandliars, Salon, Huffingtonpost, guests on Keith Olberman's show, etc..) and the pandering of the right to that sentiment. Many pundits, not just on cable news outlets or blogs, have been using language that would incite a person that supported Hillary to hate Obama. If you just follow language from some commentators from the "political" insiders, especially the ones who use to support Hillary, their language isn't blatantly disparaging, but weak in their support for Obama (Andrea Mitchell is good for that).

I just feel that if voters are going to vote with their immaturity, then we are in serious trouble; remember Guns, Gays, & God. I have this unnerving feeling that Obama will have lost the race because of the bitterness over the primary outcome. I am not worried about Obama doing anything to lose,or the Clintons doing anything to derail Obama- albeit their support is lukewarm at best, because it seems that the MSM (Mainstream Media) ignores McPalin anyhow, no matter how many times he screws up, backtracks, changes, lies, or flat out ignores basic logic. Some of my friends her in Switzerland believe that Americans should have had enough of the last 8 years. Sadly, yet when it comes down to it, I believe that many of the Bushites will come in droves now. The culture war has re-ignited. They have more of a reason not let the 'd'emocrats in office; with Palin on the McCain ticket they can get away with "feeling" liberal and diverse. They will hide behind Palin as a excuse not to vote for a "black" guy. Palin has destroyed the race by giving bigots a "diverse" ticket and something to hide behind.

If you run into some who has "suddenly" change their alliance or their stringent support of Obama to McCain, or they start doubting the viability of Obama in office, then you have just run into a Palin convert.

Basically, racism and bitterness will determine this race now. Maybe and hopefully I am wrong, but the tone toward Obama has darkened and the rhetoric about sexism has increased to levels not seen since the primaries. Palin has "entertained and indulged" the masses and she is being rewarded for it.