Friday, May 31, 2013 Immigration Ad Targets Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity Fans

Let me put my two-cents in:

Free market capitalism byproduct: Private companies influencing and changing public policy publicly. Government replaces as the mouthpiece.

The Left:

Suck at selling, great at arguing.

The Right:

Suck at arguing, great at selling.

This is Brave New World meets Big Brother:

Alpha's looking to control the population.

This is how they should sell the Immigration Bill:

-Point out the this will create jobs in the short term by implement the border security.

-Explain that will create X number of jobs for the long term by protecting American jobs, creating a security forces along the border (putting Veterans to work) and maintaining higher quality and humane work conditions.

-Protect against terrorism, biological infections, drug trafficking, and human trafficking and slavery.

"Let us protect ourselves from regressive and illicit activities that cheapens our Nation and our National Security"

Caveat: This is just a marketing ploy to push through a nationalization (like the rest of the "First World Nations") of your I.D. and License cards. It would simplify business and save the governmental systems (private interests as well) billions of dollars if everyone had all their information centralized, like our money. GE's new commercial should give you a hint (this will get a boost via ACA/Obama-care).

Ok I'll shut up now.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Michele Bachmann Presidential Campaign Investigation Joined By FBI

Sex is not a sin. Without it you wouldn't be here.Lying, cheating, stealing and betrayal is. Democrats aren't ashamed of being human, Republicans (comptemporary) abhor humanity.
About Michele Bachmann
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Society's Conspiracy Law

Proposed "Conspiracy" Theory
What if the FBI supplied the material to the guys. Using their angst against the United States as a way to entice the boys to act. As in the other cases there was an informant that
used the hunger and desire of disaffected people to point toward a goal of carrying out something to be remembered for. Usually these depressed and unfocused persons are looking for a meaning to their lives to be more than a body of waste to society. Men and women before the age of 35 are enticed in many endeavours that stimulates the ego and some esteem into their lives. So the FBI watches a group of young "idiots" to see if they are interested in plotting a scheme. Waiting for any affirmative response they go in and maintain that idea "with" until there is a plan hatched. At this point the FBI has it's prey in the crosshairs. Either they capture the prey and win credit for preventing "another devastating attack" or the let the idiots drop off unidentified bags at various places without even so much explaining what they are for.
I have my reservations for the official story. I take everything the government says with agrain of salt. If they are willing time and time again to use our emotions against our better judgement to maintain their hegemony over a particular populace, home and abroad, then they are willing, ready, and able to carry out atrocities for political and economic gain. For many that is just okay, as long as they are not the victims themselves, but they are the willing victims of moral cognitive dissonance. They are willing to benefit from the evils of society as longs as it does not harm their next of known. And for those who aren't patriotic are targets of the beneficiaries and the government. From the thought provocateurs to the out in out terrorists, these are the enemies of the advancement of the established road to it maintain prosperity and power.
So let's say that pissed off former Marine comes back home to a foreclosed home, sick wife, delayed veterans benefits, and long unemployment that he is directly affected by has really no way to exhibit his discontent. The FBI is bored or either in the area sniffing out a tip, or surveilling some behaviours in the area (because the high number of unemployed, disaffected, and anti-government behaviour) and this particular chap mentions something negative with in ear shot of an undercover agent hence recommencing the enticement cycle. This, i find, no different that someone enticing a well knowing student to try drugs. It may have never cross their minds but the radicalized nature of their life (students are by the very nature of their studies chaotic and in search of relief) and their chosen situation and belief systems can be coerced in a way to push to them to an extreme. Beings, sentient or not, are in exisance for the stimulation. If deprived of pleasurable stimulation it either seeks to remedy the deficit or it cease to exist.
Finally to my point: These poor saps, misguided men with the "looser" mentality wound up the prey for the FBI. Just like a homeless person becomes prey the vultures of society. I in no way condone or endorse the violence and I believe that justice should be served to ALL involved. Yet I am well aware of the predatory attitudes and methods of the established power structure that exist. I find it hard to teach and create a just society when our law enforcement methods are morally questionable and deemably unjust. Many of the "moral majority" would never allow such behavior, coercion, or emotional inflaming in their households, yet at the moment of entering the real world society, not culture, maintains order by the very means deemed unacceptable at the kitchen table. We need to address our Crisis of Hypocrisy.
Society needs to expect to be burdened by terrorist if it continues to terrorize the non-compliant or the differing. Automony is here is to stay and only augmenting the individual. It is in our genes now. Humans are not submissive by choice but by survival. Yet the need of humans to survive beyond their means in now becoming apparently oxymoronic. we realize we have an abundance of things and this abundance of things are depriving each other and our home. We innately know it's not ok to pee in our drinking water, but we do it anyway to protect its^scarcity- self aggrandizement. As a group that practices that behavior we are only making our livelihood scarce. We lie to win, cheat to love, hate to laugh, and cry for joy- absolutely psychotic, and we do it with pride.
Moral degradation does not come from turning your back on "God" but taking on the throne. Ruling the universe requires being the universe, in doing so we must widen our view beyond the seat and into our hearts.
This came from the top of my head- this NOT an endorsement of ANY idealisms.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

GEO Group Wikipedia Page Controversy Erased After Football Stadium Naming Deal

I thought the idea of the penal code and system were to have the criminal repay their debt to society and re-amend their social contracts and moral standing. I find the for profit prisons system rob society of their repayment and rightful repentance of the criminal. In turn diminishes the "criminal" to property of the state to be sold as a commodity to the market(is this sounding familiar?). Now we have outsourced and privatized criminal deterrence to the highest bidder because we were afraid of a big government and big brother. The two have nothing to do with the other, but we were told that they were one and the same One has been bought by the other, diminished returns on revenue create desperate decisions. Private interests write our laws, execute our public services, finance our politics (a candidate needs corporate sponsors, like NASCAR, to run the track), and define our lifestyles. That's cool, but there is a consequence to this and a prison company (that sounds so moronic and fascist) naming a university stadium is nothing but a consequence of immediacy, side effect of free-market capitalism.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

GEO Group Wikipedia Page Controversy Erased After Football Stadium Naming Deal

Hunger Games much?

I wonder how long before there is a collapse in immigration to western nations. I think it's a real possibility considering that once word gets out that Private companies are making money by incarceration and forced labor, many without so much as a joint in the pocket. What happens when the Corp. doesn't please the stock holders? Or when Wall Street is discontent with it's performance? Or your Pension/401k company needs to replenish your funds by buying stock in this company or others like? Or your state runs our of money to incarcerate? What happens when there is another economic crisis or collapse(an there will be and always man made)? What's happens when there is a high level of dissidence in politics like the 30's, 60's and the 70's? What if? Are we comfortable to know that the United States government has outsourced your repayment (punishment) to society to a for-profit entity? Are we comfortable with their possible lobby in our politics?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Florida Atlantic Football Stadium Will Be Named For Private Prison Company

Why is this a surprise? It's like being surprise to find a sex worker buying condoms. This is par for the course. Remember the phrase corporate america? The United States is is ruled by free market capitalists. We were lied into wars, founded and funded by slavery, genocide, and war profiteering. Fooled you all that government is the problem- when the government is "of, by and for the people"- you're the government.You're the problem, they're saying. So now the government is privatizing everything, outsourcing our legislature, presidency, and soon our judicial system. No longer with there be the law of the land, it will be law of Wall Street and corporate interest (if not already).

Think I'm a looney toon conspiracy theorist- there will college kids watching their teams play in a corporate prison sponsored stadium. God bless unabashed capitalism!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Thursday, January 10, 2013