Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mark Haines is Not Happy. Fireworks on CNBC!

Mark Haines is angry that moral hazard was not considered. Umm, right.

Okay, it seems that Mark Haines would rather see his neighbors kicked out, or one of his family members booted to the curb (literally) in the name of moral hazard. I find it odd that he would even allow this to dribble out his mouth, moral hazard should have been his issue in 2000. I guess moral hazard only applies to the suckers who took the loans and not the sharks who worked their damnedest to get their bonuses. Or, it must not apply to the fact that our society is based on living outside our means, and not right-minded consumption.

It's little late and irresponsible to run to a church that you helped burn down. Jumping around in the ashes begging for answers from the fire marshals.

Mark Haines, has just joined the ranks of Lou Dobbs. The ranting, grumpy old men club.

This sounds like a nascent right-wing talking point in the future. Just keep your ears to the ground. "Grrr... why are we rewarding the irresponsible!"

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